Whispers of Memories

Exhibition Dates
Artist / Curator

Mahmoud Shaker


ماذا يحدث للذكريات Whispers of Memories..



Solo Exhibition.

‘Since the beginning, my focus has always been on the
unspoken emotions and feelings. These elements have taken
a significant role throughout my career as both an author and
an artist. I have been studying and attempting to understand
human behavior, especially the complexities that are not widely
discussed in Arab societies. Today, these concerns have become
global, as cognitive acceleration creates a vast divide – a grey
area of grief and mixed signals tied to unspoken emotions and
feelings.’’ – Mahmoud Shaker

The exhibition «Whispers of Memories» explores emotions
and memories in their many forms, those we leave with others
and those that are planted in us by others. Here, we investigate
how emotions transform and impact us, and how they hold
the power to create new beginnings.
The exhibition presents a wide range of emotions expressed
through various mediums, including calligraphy, installations,
letters, and other artistic forms.

ماذا يحدث للذكريات؟
محمود شاكر
قبـل سـنتين فقـدت جدتـي، مر على هـذا الفقـد ٧٣٠ يوما، كأنهـم األمس..
بقــوا األشــياء حيــة فــي رؤوســنا
لــم أعــرف كيــف للشــعور والذاكــرة أن ي
بقـى مـن نحـب
كأنهـا حدثـت قبـل قليـل؟ لكـن هـذا الشـعور كفيـل بـأن ي
ونشــتاق إليهــم أحيــاء فــي الذاكــرة، هنــاك ابتســامات كثيــرة ولحظــات
قــد تذبــل فــي رؤوســنا لكــن كلمــة عابــرة أو أغنيــة أو حتــى شــذى عطــر
مـا يمدهـا بالنـور فتعـود وتحيـا، حتـى نبـدأ نتلمـس أنفسـنا فـي نسـخها
الســابقة، عندمــا كنــا صغــارا قبــل أن نســتوعب مــاذا تعنــي الذاكــرة، أو
فــي لحظــة مــا مــن لحظــات الحيــاة، نقــرر أن تبقــى هــذه اللحظــات حيــة
بداخلنــا لألبــد. مثــل تلــك األفــكار واألســماء والوجــوه التــي قــد تعاصرنــا
محــى مــن رؤوســنا وكأنهــا
لفتــرة طويلــة أو قصيــرة، لكــن لســبب مــا ت
ً لــم تحــدث أصــا، هــل هــي خيــر مطلــق لنــا أم شــر يحــدق مــن بعيــد؟
ســألت نفســي مــاذا يحــدث للذكريــات؟ لشــعوري بأننــي صنــدوق كبيــر
يحتــوي علــى كلمــات ووجــوه ولحظــات وأفــكار ودمــوع وضحــكات
ولحظـات بهجـة كثيـرة تطفـو فـي فضـاء الذاكـرة، لعـل هـذه الذكريـات
هــي مــا شــكلنا طــوال تلــك الســنوات، وربمــا هــي مــا ستشــكل أفكارنــا
وأرواحنــا فــي الســنوات المقبلــة.


Artist Bio



Mahmoud Shaker Mahmoud is a Kuwaiti Author-Artist who has a Bachelor’s Degree in

Mass Communication from Kuwait University- College of Arts. Mahmoud has a huge

curiosity toward focusing on the humanitarian subjects and to dig into the self, feelings,

emotions and the idea of being a human with emotions, through his writings and arts.

Mahmoud wrote his first novel in a very young age, and from there he started to explore

the society through his work. With 7 publications, 3 solo art exhibitions and many partici-

pating in the art world as an artist, he continues to explore his path in art and literature by

using many mediums as a way of expression like paining with oil, ink, acrylic, mixed

media and more. Through his practice and an attempt to integrate literature with the arts,

Mahmoud attempts and seeks to create more experiences that may inspire him and

others to answer questions and delve into the unspoken in an attempt to probe the depths of the human soul.

Mahmoud is using couple of mediums in his works, will Oil, Acrylic, Ink, Charcoal and more to explore.




A novelist of 8 publications written in Arabic.

Art Exhibitions:

– Ode of loneliness (Solo Exhibition 2018)

– In my dream i was in Kuwait ( ASCC exhibition – Venice| Italy 2019)

– Beyond the Abyss (Solo Exhibition 2021)

– The origin of things (solo exhibition alongside with the Sharjah

Calligraphy biennale/UAE 2022).

-Sadi 2023 (Sadu House| Kuwait 2023).




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