Dedicated to developing and supporting the arts in Kuwait and throughout the region, Contemporary Art Platform (CAP) was founded in 2011 to promote art through exhibitions and educational programs.

- January 17, 2023
- April 17, 2023

- Speculative Horizons Exhibition Australian Based Artists: Chris Round, Mike Gray, Paul Batt, Anne Moffatt, Lee Grant, Nathan Stolz, Sarina Liros, Nicholas Hubicki, Kaede James-Takatomo, Noah Thompson. Kuwaiti Based Artists: Deema Alghunaim, Hazelyn Joy Barros, Sandra Pinedo, Adel Ashkanani, Amal Abdullah Ghannam, Eman Alshawaf, Mariam Alghanim, Samos. Brought to you by: Polestar, Contemporary Art Platform, Australian Embassy in Kuwait, Perimeter, Path Centre for Photography, Photography Studies College, ACB, Hahnemule, Tall Poppy Press, Two Inadequate Voices, Final Grade, Mars, Spicers, We Are Photo Collective.
- February 7, 2023
- February 21, 2023