Portugal National Day “A Journey Through Art, Heritage, and Music”

Portugal National Day

“A Journey Through Art, Heritage, and Music”

To celebrate Portugal National Day, the Portuguese Business Council in Kuwait presents an exhibition  showcasing the country’s rich artistic heritage. The exhibition features Miguel Rodrigues’   “Hyperbaroque Collection” of sculptures and Manuel Correia’s “Loving Minho” series, a collection of twenty original photographs depicting traditional folk costumes from Northern Portugal.

Miguel Rodrigues is a Portuguese contemporary artist. His work employs the baroque period and its history as an object of reflection, arriving at what he calls “The Hyperbaroque”. His artworks are theatrical, inspired by the hyper-realities of society, the market and propaganda. Miguel’s work uses the colour gold, reinforcing the idea that being gold plated, creates an instant understanding of luxury and power, thereby playing with our perceptions of value and beauty. Pulling us by one arm into his dream land, and by the other to a far more familiar view of reality.

Manuel Correia, a photographer since 1986, has been inspired by traditional culture. Over the last two decades he has worked all over the world photographing people and places, in urban and peripheral daily life. In different contexts, he takes on an imaginary nomadic register of distant and disparate peoples and cultures. He devotes part of his artistic activity to more conceptual contemporary photography projects, with the participation of researchers and curators, which have resulted in various publications and exhibitions, including “Sangue e Água”, “Portugueses de Portugal”, and “Os Africanos” at the Afrobrasil museum in São Paulo, Brazil. Currently, he is working on a project in Angola about its kings and traditional power, which will be published later in 2024. His photographs are part of various private and institutional collections, both nationally and internationally.

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