Whispers of Memories

ماذايحدثللذكرياتWhispers of Memories..

Solo Exhibition.

قبلسنتينفقدتجدتي،٧٣٠يومكأنهمالأمس.. لمأعرفكيفللشعوروالذاكرةأنيُبقواالأشياءحيةفيرؤوسناكأنهاحدثتقبلقليل.. لكنهذاالشعوركفيلبأنيُبقىمننحبونشتاقإليهمأحياءفيالذاكرة،هناكابتساماتكثيرةولحظاتقدتذبلفيرؤوسنالكنكلمةعابرةأوأغنيةأوحتىعطريمدهابالنورفتعودوتحيا،حتىنبدأنتلمسأنفسنافينسخهاالسابقة،عندماكناصغارقبلأننستوعبماذاتعنيالذاكرة،أوبلحظةماقررناأنتبقىهذهاللحظاتخيةبداخلناللأبد. مثلتلكالأفكاروالأسماءوالوجوهالتيقدتعاصرنالفترةطويلةأوقصيرة،لكنلسببماتُمحىمنرؤوسناوكأنهالمتحدثأصلاً،هلهيخيرمطلقلناأمشريحدقمنبعيد؟


Since the beginning, the main focus has always been on the unspoken emotions and feelings, those things took a huge lead through my career as an Author and Artist at the same time. Studying and attempting to understand human behavior as complex matters that are not widely discussed in Arab societies, which also now it has become a major concern for the whole world, with the cognitive acceleration in the globe cause a wide gap, a grey area of grief mixed signals of the unspoken feelings/emotions.

The exhibition “Whispers of Memories” discusses all emotions and memories in their various forms, those we leave with others and those planted in us by others. Here, we explore how emotions change us and impact us, and how they have the power to create a new life. A wide range of emotions will be presented in multiple ways at the exhibition, with artworks mixed with calligraphy, art installations, letters and other mediums.



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